College History

“सा विद्या या विमुक्तये “

Janata College, Satmile, Hindol,Dhenkanal is situated at a distance of 50 KMs away from Dhenkanal and 30KMs away from Angul. It is at a distance of 20 KMs to the North-East on the National Highway No. 55 in the District of Dhenkanal, Odisha. From the time it was established the Institution has been striving relentlessly to enlighten the rural population through higher education in an area predominately inhabited by those belonging to the group of below poverty line. The college is located in a remote and rural area which is mainly dominated by ST/SC and OBC population.

The Institution’s goal is to educate the students of this area in a proper way without compromising on quality. There are many poor but talented students in the rural area of this locality. While a small percent of students of this category have managed to make their way to successful life, the majority has got stuck in the bog of backwardness and their talents found wasted due to lack of Institution of Higher Education in the rural areas. Under such circumstances our college has a great role to play in the equitable development of the society.
True to many, false to none, people will scarcely believe centuries to come that such a College trod its feet on the soil of Satmile. In spite of all odds fiction has come to be a fact, rumour a reality and promise a practice. Concerned in the map of Odisha the College buttresses up a mirror to the teeming millions below the plinth of Literacy. It serves as unique antibiotic against the plague of ignorance. Ask any man of Hindol within your purview. Ask him to speak something about Hindol. The first word he is to utter there must be a “College” and the first sentence he is to speak out, “Janata College is all that I can say”.
Behind such a bonanza lies the service of many a stalwarts without the slightest demur. The pen stops, the word stutter, wit confuses to delineate the events that happened in the process of raising the Institution. Look at the octogenarian, the grand old banyan tree. It stands like a dumb witness defying the onslaught of time. It has weathered a good many typhoons but never has it failed to protect the baby Institution. The names of the noble figures whose every sincere care, tender affection and delicate touch have lifted the college from infancy to youth, need no mention.
The aspirations of many have achieved. Go a decade back. Hindol was with its natural forests compact with unending treasures of beauty, its vast stretch of fields replete with granaries and its streams brimming with tranquil waters. Nonetheless people grumbled over a need. The grumbling was for spread of education and to eradicate the disease of illiteracy from the soil of Hindol, and the need was to build a college in the midst of the abounding natural beauty at Satmile area.
Dreams materialized, ends achieved, decade passed. Never have we forgotten the noble personalities who have done the impossible possible, working behind the scene. The modmitable spirit and strong will of Mr. Trinath Naik, Ex-.M.LA, Hindol, Mr. Bhubanananda Pattanaik, Dudurkote and other dedicated people of the Hindol steered the jaded consciousness of the slepingillions. Meetings discussions and foot march started from door to door. The first stone of the college was founded on the auspioious hour of 9th August 1978 Alms, aid public donations came galore.
Institution means immense problems. Hence needless to say, that college has walked against all hazards. Thanks to Prof. Mr. D.K.Singh, Professor, Geography, Utkal University whose relentless struggle and ceaseless effort has helped the college wriggle out of all the problems coming on its way.
The college that once stood without shelter, now snores under a vast roof. A spiritual trance peryades the atomosphere. With the bliss of Goddess Maa Budhi Thakurani the college stands safe and sound with the undulating glide of the fount of time. The rushing of the labyrinth steams of water, the blow of the blooming breeze and the song of the supreme silence, the tiny college grows to a towering one. To speak of the academic prospect of the college, it is affiliated to the Council of Higher Education and Utkal University. The college got affiliated to Utkal University in the year 1979 and the C.H.S.E in the year 1986.
Dreams materialized Promises kept. The history of the college, the history of every quintessence of dust of the soil of Satmile beckons us to discharge our duties properly. It whispers to us. “Internal vigilance is the price of liberty”. Then only it can rest in peace if all of us take the vow to confront any problem with very vim and vigour.

Janata College Satmile has a very pious vision to spread knowledge and the Vedic version “SA BIDYA YA VIMUKTAYE ” entirely quotes its vision. The visions are:-

  • To provide higher education in the remote rural area where students are mainly drop-outs.
  • The higher educational scheme of the state Govt. is executed in this college by extending free education among the meritorious, needy and deserving students of this locality and nearby areas.
  • To promote education among the students of Sc, St and Other backward classes with an aim to uplift them through the provisional scheme sponsored by the government time to time.
  • To boost all-round development in body, mind and spirit of learners with a view to promote national integration and patriotic feelings.
  • The traditional culture should not be destroyed in the name of the progress, and at the same time making the students aware of their surroundings.

The College was established with a mission to illuminate the local students with knowledge and it has been contributing with all its potentiality to fulfill it for more than 4 decades.
The Mission for learners:-

  • To promote education through quality teaching, self study, search for knowledge, interaction and scientific experiments.
  • To provide higher educational facilities in rural and under-developed areas.
  • To give employment to experts and successful professionals to impart their knowledge.
  • To Promote educational interest through observation, realization, conceptualization and innovative skills
  • To promote language skills & proficiency among students.
  • To Promote educational for the students of SC, ST, OBC so that the social development of the backward classes can also be possible.
  • The College uses ICI and E-learning device to make the learners be familiar with technologically advanced world.
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